Category: Wealth
The Secret
The Secret represents one of those concepts that captures the collective imagination of the entire world, even if the the whole world does not quite grasp what it is all about in great detail! When the movie was released way back in 2007 (that seems like a long time ago today) it was billed…
Cryptocurrencies What Are They About?
BitCoin And BlockChain What Are They? Blockchain is the enabling technology for all cryptocurrencies Have you noticed an increase in the quantity of blog posts, articles and videos talking about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency recently? I have. The increasing interest in cryptocurrencies is driven by a complex range of factors which I am not going to…
The Billionaire Consensus Club
The Billionaire Consensus Club Science has become an elite weapon of powerful groups in our society The history and development of Science is truly a fascinating subject, it might sound a little ‘nerdy’ to some people but when you consider that science and technology are responsible for the shape our human world has taken, they…
The Best Web Education Available?
A Comprehensive Web Education You might not appreciate what you can learn using WordPress We are definitely living through interesting times, some would describe them as unprecedented times, people are unemployed in every town, businesses are failing due to draconian measures being imposed by seemingly reckless local authorities who are hell bent on making you…
Cryptocurrency The Way of The Future?
Blockchain What Is It? Have you looked at Bitcoin, do you understand it? From today, at the time of 4:45 PM the current value of one Bitcoin is at: $11,301 back when it was released and the network was launched in January of 2009 a bitcoin was virtually worthless, what happened? Blockchain is the name…