MANIFESTING FOR BEGINNERS – everything you need to get started!

MANIFESTING FOR BEGINNERS – everything you need to get started! Hi everyone, Welcome back, this week I literally just wanted to make the most straight forward to the point, everything you need to start manifesting video. I spent the last 10 months ish reading, watching and learning how to manifest and attempted to condense it […]

Get Started With The Digital Economy

The Digital Economy & YOU There has literally never been a better time to get started online! If you are a person who is interested with the World Wide Web, with digital media and writing, with social media, then you could not fail to have noticed the proliferation of ‘guru’ presentations, and claims being made […]

The Best Web Education Available?

A Comprehensive Web Education You might not appreciate what you can learn using WordPress We are definitely living through interesting times, some would describe them as unprecedented times, people are unemployed in every town, businesses are failing due to draconian measures being imposed by seemingly reckless local authorities who are hell bent on making you […]

Official UFO/UAP Disclosures

We Are Not Alone Recent Admissions To Encountering Off-World Craft From The Military of The USA Are Significant 2020 has certainly shaped up to be one of the most turbulent, eventful years in modern western social history, and it is only just over half way through! Amidst all of the hype, and media attention towards […]

Cryptocurrency The Way of The Future?

Blockchain What Is It? Have you looked at Bitcoin, do you understand it? From today, at the time of 4:45 PM the current value of one Bitcoin is at: $11,301 back when it was released and the network was launched in January of 2009 a bitcoin was virtually worthless, what happened? Blockchain is the name […]

The Magic of Manifestation

What Actually Is Magic, Does It Exist? When we are children we are exposed to the concept of Magic very early in our career! There are so many books, and stories which describe fantastic personalities, wizards, fairies, fabled lands which are entered via ‘magic portals’ and even mundane everyday items such as wardrobes. I was […]

Vigilance, Caution Always Needed

New Age Philosophies Can Be Fraught I don’t wish to be a negative person here, or to offer an assessment of the entire field of so-called ‘New Age’ philosophies, because to the person of reasonable acuity and judgement it seems obvious that ‘Snake Oil’ merchants abound in this subject area. However, it would be dishonest […]